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At Thome PACE, we understand you and your loved ones lead busy lives.  We seek to make the enrollment process as seamless and effortless as possible. We even fill out all initial paperwork so you don't have to.  There are four simple steps prior to enrollment:

Step 1: Home Visit by Community Relations Department

They will gather:

✔ Biographical Information

✔ Insurance Information Including Medicare & Medicaid Eligibility Status


✔ Information needed to process Medicaid application 


✔ Family Contact Information


✔ Medical Information

Step 2: In-Home Intake Assessment

An Eligibility Specialist Nurse, sometimes accompanied by a Social Worker and/or an Occupational Therapist, will complete the Michigan Medicaid Nursing Facility Level of Care Determination Tool.  This information will allow the Thome PACE team to assess current health needs and safety in the home, as well as medical eligibility for the program.

Step 3: Center Assessment at Thome PACE

Following the Intake Assessment visit, the potential participant and their family are invited to visit and tour the Thome PACE Day Health Center. The potential participant will undergo an individual assessment conducted by a Thome Provider. 

Step 4: Approval and Individualized Plan of Care

If a potential participant meets the eligibility requirements and is approved by the Interdisciplinary Team, enrollment into the program is offered.


If the potential participant decides they would like to enroll in PACE, an Enrollment Agreement (similar to a member handbook) is signed. The Enrollment Agreement contains things such as participant demographic data, description of benefits, effective date, explanation of policy regarding premiums, emergency care, etc.

The Thome PACE Interdisciplinary Team creates an individualized Plan of Care for the potential participant based on assessment information. The Community Relations Team Member brings the Plan of Care and Enrollment Packet to the potential participant’s home for signing.

Participants begin services on the first of the month and enrollment continues as long as desired by the PACE participant, regardless of change in health status. Costs depend on your Medicare and Medicaid eligibility. 

PACE participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement services (except in emergency services).

Not Sure If You're Eligible?

Old friends converse over coffee

Call us at 517.768.9791 or click the button below to take the Enrollment Quiz:

Want to Refer Someone?

Nurse and older woman chat over coffee

Call the Community Relations Department at 517.768.9791 or click the button below to view our referral form and get started:

Interested in Thome PACE?

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